Last week the company where I work started a health program partnership with a health insurance provider that gives monetary incentives for employees who exercise. This program is based on the premise that total health costs will be lower if employees are incentivized to exercise more.
The program is basically a computer program and a pedometer. The pedometer keeps track of every step you take during the day, and then it uploads onto the computer, where all your health activities are added up. You get paid small amounts of money for each milestone you hit. Its pretty simple. A pedometer, for those who don't know, is a little electronic gadget that straps to your hip and counts every step you take. I'm not sure how it works* but it seems to be pretty reliable.
*probably by magic
The most you can earn in a year is $500, which, if you ask me, is a worthwhile amount of money, but not enough to go crazy about.** Also, in order to get the full $500, you pretty much have to go 11+ miles per day, every day of the week, which is a lot. However, I have an idea for making more than that.
If you are involved in a similar program, I will wear your pedometer for you, and I will go for a long jog every day. At the end of the year you can pay me half of your winnings and keep the other half. We both win, and you don't have to do any exercise. In fact, you can just eat Crisco all day if thats what you want to do. I think Crisco mixed with confectionery sugar is one of the best things in the world, so I won't judge you.
**Where is the point at which you should go crazy? $500 per year is probably not enough right? But what about $501? $502? At some point you have to go crazy right? I bet there is a certain dollar amount at which any given person will go crazy. This would explain a lot of things about my friends. Howtomakeadollar pledges to keep you posted on the exact dollar amount at which we go crazy. Personally, I estimate my threshold to be north of $100,000, but less than $500,000. Somewhere in that range seems about right. Check this site often for updates.

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