Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good source for inspiration!

Howtomakeadollar thinks finding inspiration is important.  Inspiration is key to finding both meaning and significance in life.  Thankfully, there is a website that we have become aware of that provides both meaning and significance! is a great blog for finding both meaning and significance in life.  It is a well crafted piece of work.  The blog will provide you with hours and hours of wonderful reading.  Head on over there and check it out!

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1 comment:

  1. NPR featured a homeless man who has decided to blog his story yesterday afternoon. His readership started slow but is now growing astronomically. He credits the growth to two factors, 1. linking his blog and twitter account. 2. having a more popular, well read, and well respected blog feature his work and link to his blog. Today has accomplished #2 for me.

    Thank you!! I will credit you for all my future successes


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